German Automative Services & Parts


Our Services Offered

A list of the type of work we do at German Automative Services. If its not listed, please give us a call for a acurate quote.

Oil Changes

Starting at*


  • Includes:
  • Conventional Oil
  • Synthetic Oil
  • Oil Filter
  • New Seals
    If Necessary


Starting at*


  • Cabin Filters

Vehicle Maintenance

Starting at*


*per hour

  • Perventative Maintenance
  • Fleet Maintenance

Automative Repairs

Starting at*


*per hour

  • Includes:
  • Brakes
  • Steering & Suspension
  • Transmission
  • Air Conditioning
  • Fuel Injection
  • Water Pumps

Emergency Repairs

Starting at*


*per hour

  • With top quality service and fast reponse times we are the best option in calgary for emergency repairs. Please contact us for problem diagnosis and a hassle free quote
Diagnosis and Questions

Contact Us

If you have any questions about our Services for your vehicle and would like to Book an Appointment please fill out the form below or give us a call!

A Little bit of information About G.A.S

0 Years of Experience
0 Different Services
0 Staff
0 Completed Vehicles & Counting

What Our Clients Say About Us

Testimonials are pulled from our Google Page, Yelp Page, Facebook Page and Direct from our Clients